By scheduling your appointment(s) with SUNLOCS you are agreeing to adhere to the requirements, polices, services, prices and statements as provided on this site, communicated via text SMS messaging and in contract you will be provided when booking online.
Health & Sanitation: This is important to us and our clients. Only clean hair will be serviced (must be washed within 12-24 hours of your appointment). We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone with unclean hair, inflamed skin, and scalp issues. If you are sick at any stage, please reschedule. If you come exhibiting signs of illness, we will have to reschedule, and a cancellation fee will apply.
No visitors: This time is reserved especially for you. This applies to during Consultations, Establishments, Retightening's, Styling and Grooming/Repairs. As an exception, arm & nursing babies are welcome. Otherwise, please secure a sitter prior to scheduling your hair appointment. Call us in advance of your appointment with your questions and or concerns.
We value your business and ask that you respect our business scheduling policy.
Tardiness: We will try our best to accommodate you if you’re running behind, stuck in traffic, etc. However, your tardiness affects the remainder of our day and schedule for other clients booked. Clients will generally be allowed a 15-minute grace period. YOUR APPOINTMENT BEGINS THE TIME IT WAS SCHEDULED NOT THE TIME YOU ARRIVE; this can extend your retightening session in which you may be responsible for $25 each additional hour beyond the service hours booked. If you are not able to make your appointment on time-you will be charged 50% of your service amount and required to reschedule. We reserve the right to terminate professional-client business relationship for excessive tardiness.
Cancellations: We understand life happens, so please inform us of a need to cancel as soon as possible. By providing 48-hour advance notice of cancellation, gives clients on our waiting list an opportunity to schedule sooner than later. If an appointment is cancelled with less than 48-hour advanced notice, a fee of 50% of scheduled service will be charged. We reserve the right to terminate professional-client business relationship for frequent cancellations.
Cancelling Establishments: In conjunction with the non-refundable deposit requirements to reserve your dates; if canceling a Sisterlocks™, Brotherlocks™ or Interlocks Establishment within 24-48 hours of your appointment(s), the reservation deposit will still be kept by your hair professional; the full amount of Establishment will have to be paid upfront at the rescheduled Establishment. Rescheduling is at discretion of SUNLOCS. We reserve the right to terminate professional-client business relationship frequent Establishment cancellations.
No Show: If you miss an appointment, you will be required to pay 50% of scheduled service amount due before your next appointment. 15 +minutes tardy is also treated as a "no show". We reserve the right to terminate professional-client business relationship for no call, no shows & excessive tardiness.
Payments: Payments are due at the time services are rendered. No exceptions. No change is provided. We accept cash, debit card, credit card payments with the Visa®, MasterCard®, Discover®, or American Express® logo. We do not charge CC processing fees to client. Zelle®, Square Payments, Cash App & PayPal are also accepted. Please note booking online will require a card on file.
Does SUNLOCS store client credit card information?
No, SUNLOCS, LLC never actually "sees" or stores a client's entire card number. Client card data is handled by client's credit card processor; and is Protected & Encrypted by Square, Inc. SUNLOCS, LLC only stores a token for the card, as well as the cardholder's name, expiration date of card, and last 4 digits of the card number. As a result, SUNLOCS has client cards on file without the liability of storing and are able to protect personally identifiable information.
For Consultations: $25 non-refundable fee is required to book your initial 1–2 hour SL consultation. This will be applied towards Establishment fee, which must be booked within 30 days of consult, or another paid consultation is required. Interlocks Consultation: $20 non-fundable and required to book.
Transfer Consultation: $20 non-refundable and required to book.
For Establishments: $ 300 non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your 2 -3 day establishment. The remainder of your balance is due at the beginning of the 1st day of your establishment upfront. If paying your lock establishment with a credit card, your establishment fee must be fully processed on the 1st day of your establishment. If more than 3 days are required for your Establishment; additional $100 will be required to reserve those dates on the calendar. Client is expected to return in 4 weeks for their FIRST retightening that is included in the establishment package. If this appointment is rescheduled the client will be charged accordingly to the retightening service charges outlined under our services & prices tab.
All pictures taken by SUNLOCS are the sole property of SUNLOCS and may only be used for marketing our products and services. We will respect you and your lock journey at all times, even on social media. SUNLOCS expects our clients to reciprocate the same toward us and our business at all times, even on social media. If ever you have questions or concerns, contact us as soon as possible. We want you happy and your lock journey healthy!
Refunds: Sunlocs DOES NOT issue refunds. Simply because the non-refundable deposit requirements to book consultations and reserve Establishments dates overrides the need. With all due respect, please understand this is a place of business, time is being reserved for clients; if you cancel with intent of not being serviced by SUNLOCS on the dates you agreed to come we have lost business. Please refer to services & prices tab and also other sections within this policy and client agreement. Again, if ever you are dissatisfied with product, services received, have questions or concerns, contact us as soon as possible.
Service charges and terms within this agreement are subject to change; please verify before your appointment. By scheduling your appointment(s) with SUNLOCS you are agreeing to adhere to the requirements, polices, services, prices and statements as provided on this site, communicated via text SMS messaging and in contract you will be provided when booking online.
Digital receipts are sent.